Mozart Requiem / Moscow

Critical Acclaim "The Russian National Orchestra and the State Academic Choir of Russia were directed by Massimo Zanetti, who conducted for the first time in our country and with the Russian orchestra.

Zanetti enchantingly increased the choral sound: we were as if covered by a storm cloud, which dissipated during moments of musical hope and rejoicing, as in Sanctus or Benedictus. And the amazing voices of the four soloists, with their chamber note of personal piety, followed by collective excitement. The audience, applauding pious cataclysms and the tragic power of music, began to do this not immediately, fascinated watching how the conductor, having completed the "Requiem", for a long minute slowly lowered his hands.”"
Maya KrylovaNew Journal

“But the main thing would be the conductor, who solely attaches to this event musical meaningfulness. Massimo Zanetti is in Moscow for the first time, and for the first time he’s working with one of Moscow’s orchestras. At the very beginning there was a feeling that his “Requiem” corresponds to the formula "eternal peace," but then the Italian passions began, almost operatic, on contrasts, ashtoningly leading the orchestra and the chapel through the piece.”

Slava Shadronov,